Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bedtime Story #3 - Pocahontas

A beautiful young Native American woman named Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief Powhatan, ponders her path in life and dreams about what lies "just around the riverbend." Should she marry Kocoum, the stern warrior her father has chosen for her, or does destiny have something else planned for her? 



Does anyone else see a resemblance to Stands with a Fist (Mary McDonnel) from Dances with Wolves?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bedtime Story #2 - Little Bo Peep

Little Bo peep has lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them.
Leave them alone and they'll come home,
Bringing their tails behind them.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hansel, Gretel, and the Evil Witch - Bedtime Story #1

First in the Bedtime Stories Series: Hansel and Gretel find themselves lost deep in the forest.  They happen upon an evil witch, who tries to lure them to her lair.  They closely escape and try to find their way home.