Friday, July 27, 2012

Meet Ava!

Since the Haggard's Maternity session, I've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of this little gem: Ava! Ashley brought Ava over, and while she and her mom played with my baby (Lola) I played with Ava... well she did sleep most of the time, but that's what we were hoping for.

By the way, I adore the headbands Ashley herself made for this photo session!

Nevin and Ashley are big fans of the University of Miami Hurricanes, so Ava is officially ready for football season!

And here is the lovely mother, Ashley with her gorgeous newborn daughter Ava.  Aren't they adorable?!

1 comment:

  1. baby photography miami Incredible photo session.I am happy to visit here and get opportunity to meet Ava!I love baby with her mothers this image show a love moments.
