Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Photo Editing - Before and After

Contrary to popular belief, photography is more than point and shoot.

90% of the time, a professional photographer should be able to compose & expose at the exact settings necessary to produce the killer shot. But that 10% (or more) is the part that will drive us CRAZY. Thus, the editing process (or post-production) is an equally important step in the photography session. Good photos can come Straight out of Camera (SOOC) - but killer, amazing photos have spent some time in post-production.

The sheer amount of options - levels, curves - plus the infinite amount of subtle pixel modification - healing, covering up - make for some long hours in the editing room. So, don't discount the hours spent in front of a computer, or how far better your final photos are, even if you never saw the originals. (We don't really like showing those off.)

This is a pretty good example of what can happen in that 10% - shadows where I didn't want them, tan lines, and what happened to the life in her eyes? 30 minutes to 1 hour later, I got a decent photo. Spent a little more time, and there's the killer image.

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